Experience an energy reset, a cosmic exhale, a deep teaching from the Tobacco plant spirit in a traditional, guided session.
Tobaccos of different native varieties have been used globally as a powerful plant teacher for energy cleansing and strengthening for many years.
My first experience with Sacred Tobacco as a plant teacher showed me just how powerful it really was because I accidentally took too much. I had no idea that it was so good at revealing truth. I spent all night after that first session in a trance state where I saw constant visions, received images and voices of deep insights into my own life and an ongoing stream of high intensity, powerful energy for about 15 hours straight. Tobacco certainly showed me who it was, and gave a me a lesson in correct dose. Since that first intense experience, I have studied proper tobacco use in Columbia with traditional teachers who use this medicine regularly. Key words for Tobacco medicine are Truth and Wisdom. Tobacco will show you truth. It will cut away delusion, cleanse unnecessary energy out of you and focus your mind when used correctly. I have had great growth and strengthening of my personal energy and energy field due to it’s direct and strong embrace. It is a medicine I am truly grateful for, and I’m very honoured to offer it to help reset and clear your being into a deeper truth of your own essence and strength. Tobacco can help with moving things out of your life and also focusing your mind to bring new energies in.
Contact me for sessions on phone 0431 598 989, see more info about me here www.seahorseoracle.com/about