Blue Lotus – Blue Lily (Nymphaea violacea and carulea)
For about 12 years now I’ve been communicating with the plant spirit of the Blue Lotus. It’s widely known that in Egypt this plant was revered for its’ many qualities. Largely, there has been a connection with sexually based tantra and this plant. During my conversations with the plant spirit, another story has emerged. One that I feel is relevant to us at this time of extreme growth and change. At this time, many of us are being asked, and asking of ourselves, that we embody all of our disowned parts – masculine and feminine combined. BL (Blue Lotus) said that it is not here as a guide for this sexual tantra work this time around. BL says that she is here to aid us in the unveiling of our complete divine selves, to merge the masculine and feminine to fully embrace our divine wholeness. To go beyond polarities and leave behind us and them, black and white, right and wrong, good and evil etc. In a paradigm where we are complete within our masculine feminine selves, our tendency to look outside of ourselves diminishes and we experience our fullness of being without the need to chase down something that we think we are lacking.
In response to this you could say that any form of healing work that takes you closer to authentic wholeness is inner tantra, and basically, I believe this is true. Although the BL has guided me towards certain activities that I have found to be specifically helpful in getting to know the distinct masculine feminine aspects of myself. The BL has provided me with exercises to do, similar to guided meditation, that has helped these polarities within me work together more effectively and become united (sacred union).
Sacred union with yourself (instead of another) is a pathway that some would say takes many lifetimes to fully embody. But realistically, it doesn’t need to be a big, lofty spiritual dream state that ‘one day’ we will attain. Sacred union is our natural state, we are either aware of it and fostering it or not. We can be at war with ourselves, our inner masculine and feminine struggling for control, holding each to ransom and holding grudges about past wounds. All of this goes on inside our being every day whether we are aware of it or not. If you are at war with yourself, you will often be at war with others and will create conflict externally from that unconscious state. Your body and mind may pay the price for this daily war by being over worked (too masculine), not taking care of self and abandoning your needs (rejection of the feminine) and so on.

One of the practices that I have found from experience to be very valuable in cultivating sacred union within is Breathwork. The breath is feminine and teaches us to receive. You must be passive and open to let it in. When I say Breathwork here I mean a particular type of Breathwork that I feel I need to clarify, as there are many different types of Breathwork now and therapies using the term Breathwork that are actually a very different process to the Breathwork of which I now refer. I came to Breathwork much earlier than the Blue Lotus, consciously at least, and the Breathwork I have used as a personal practice is of Indian origin. This technique was passed down from the immortal yogis in India as part of a collection of practices designed to take the human self to divine states, fully embodying our potential. A pathway to wholeness through sacred union. It is not strictly a Hindu practice, rather a human practice strengthening your innate connection to the Divine elements of earth, air, water and fire. BL would sit in the earth realm as she is a plant spirit teacher growing from earth, water and fire (the sun).

Another commonly known connection to the Egyptian Blue Lotus teachings is rebirth. Which brings us to our Breathwork link. Egyptians utilized Blue Lotus in their funeral preparations, acknowledging her strong medicine of helping us evolve from one stage to the next, to rebirth ourselves. We actually do this every time we go to sleep and wake up, which for the Egyptians, physical death was not much different from this and seen as a transition and not the end. In Breathwork we experience a deep relaxation and a consequent natural healing state. This allows a release of accumulated stagnant energy, creating a multi-dimensional rebirth or reset of our energy, which by the end of our practise is transformed into a more whole and healed state of being from where we began. A complete rebirth. Interestingly, I studied and practiced this for 12 years before I started receiving teachings from the Blue Lotus. Obviously, I was required to deeply embody and understand the energy signature of rebirth before I was able to hear her particular frequency.

Truthfully though, BL has been in my life since I was 4 years old. Through a divorce I ended up in a family situation where I was taught about the ancient mysticism of Egypt from childhood and later went on to study various schools of mysticism as a result of this. The energy of the Lotus is a rather foundational part of the mysteries of Egypt as you can tell by the prolific presence of the Lotus in their art. I am by no means an expert in the field of Egyptology, but I see the threads that connect the teachings of the inner tantra, the rebirth of the self and the ancient pathway to wholeness through fully embodying our masculine and feminine energies depicted in their art.
When we create harmony within, we will have harmony without. In order to do this, we must learn to listen deeply to all parts of ourselves and be able to translate the feedback loop of our patterns in the reality we experience. BL helps us in this way by cultivating an inner peace which is required in order to be able to deeply listen to our internal self. If you can listen to your inner workings you can hear your inner feminine and masculine, you can hear guidance from your own wise counsel, therefor seeking less outside of yourself for answers. BL helps us to create the peace to really listen and sharpens our senses (attunement) to make this task easier. She says, ‘I will guide you back to yourself’. In the process of refining and sharpening your energies you will experience a stronger feeling of connection to the part of you which sees the bigger picture, has less judgement and you can feel your place in the whole story of life unfolding. This is a state of mind where worry, jealousy, fear and the like have a hard time remaining as there is a feeling of both detachment and of being present and accepting at the same time. This is another example of how BL helps us to merge and unify polarities, finding something beyond being in opposition to our current perception of an apparent polarized reality.
In the process of Breathwork we are exposed to our inner workings. Exposed to these parts of ourselves that are in opposition to our preferred experience…worry vs peace of mind for example. So, in being confronted by these states of disharmony, given the right circumstances, our connection to our higher self – the part of you that knows your own wisdom and wholeness, will facilitate the uncovering of the answers you need. This creates trust in ourselves and a sense of strength. You feel capable of supporting yourself (divine masculine) and you come back from the experience with the gold of the hero’s journey. There is a joyous growth in discovering this for yourself, rather than being given answers by another, which is why BL says she will always guide you back to yourself. And in her supporting you to connect with your divine self by sharpening your senses, your listening capabilities and clarity, BL aids the process of you finding your strength, finding your inner masculine to support you with your own healing and receive (divine feminine) your own higher wisdom and guidance.
Cacey Blackburn – Seahorse Oracle, 2018
Contact me for Blue Lotus workshops and Breathwork sessions here or on my social platforms.