by Cacey Blackburn
Fly agaric is a powerful ally for the modern-day witch, and has been used as a medicine, spirit ally and healer since the beginnings of shamanism in Siberia. It is found almost globally.
This most famous fungi presents its glorious red cap, speckled with white dots and a delicate white veil, screaming both a warning and a curiosity with its vibrant colouring. Steeped in eons of mythology, Scott Cunningham includes it in his herbal writings as an ingredient in traditional witches flying ointment. The connections it holds to the fae realms, the forest floor, pine, oak and cedar trees to name a few – invite us to connect in deeply to the core of the earth mother, as the mushroom itself does through its intelligent mycorrhizal underground webs. The more deeply we are grounded, the higher we can fly.
Fly agaric has complex phytochemistry and is not a plant ally for beginners, thus working and connecting with this spirit through meditation is a safe and incredibly powerful way to access its healing and teachings. Plant spirits will readily attend your circles, if they are asked respectfully and cajoled with lovingly prepared gifts and offerings made in their honour, thus showing that we understand the principle of sacred exchange of knowledge and energy that is being shared.
During my meditations with Fly agaric, the medicine that came through strongly was that this mushroom heals the heart. It is a gentle, calming and very loving spirit. For me, it is like communing with the heart of mother earth herself. The word Ama in Latin (Amanita muscaria) means love, and the presence I experience during meditation has been like a soft, warm hug.
Before commencing a meeting with Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), I cast a circle as I would for any magickal work, to ensure I have a clear connection to the spirit ally I call forth. Gifts that I find especially relevant are pine needles and pine cones tied with red ribbons, good quality cacao, tobacco and cinnamon, but you may choose any gifts that feel right. Have a pen and paper close by as you may wish to write things down. A common occurrence in her presence is to feel sleepy and calm, this is normal. As fly agaric takes you deeply into your heart, you may sense any grief or other emptions that have been residing there unnoticed. It is incredibly valuable for you to see this, this is a powerful healing gift that she offers if insights of this nature are shown to you. I advise that you sit with whatever feelings or images are shown to you and allow them to simply be, this is all that is required to receive the energy and healings that are being gifted. Sit in quiet meditation and allow the process to naturally unfold, sitting or lying for at least half an hour is ideal.
During my encounters, my heart has overflowed with tears of love and gratitude for the earth and a feeling of homecoming, deep peace has surrounded me. I have also received insights into the motives of certain coping mechanisms and behaviours that have been with me since early childhood, and since becoming aware of them, I have been able to let go and live more fully in my heart, and with trust in my path and a deeper feeling of safety. I recommend composing a letter to Fly agaric asking for help or healing on any issues you need to work through, and being very clear about what you would like to learn. It is also intelligent to ask in your letter for the spirit to show you what you need to know for your spiritual growth, healing and highest good. A phrase I like to use is ‘dear Fly agaric, show me what I need to know’.
This stunning and powerful mushroom is so steeped in tradition and healing potentials. Current research shows promise in treating Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, eyesight, muscle tension, sciatica, anxiety, insomnia and the list goes on. For those with a special interest I highly recommend reading further, as there is a wealth of published information about Fly agaric (A.M). Anyone wishing to take it internally or topically should consult a qualified herbalist with knowledge on how to properly prepare it for ingestion, contraindications and gaba agonists, as the results can be highly unpredictable and it should definitely not be played around with, or you may receive a sharp lesson you were not expecting. That is why meditation is such a great way to connect with this healing ally.
A starting place for further reading: ‘Fly Agaric : A compendium of history, pharmacology and mythology’, edited by K. Feeney, ‘Plants of The Gods’, By Schultez, Hofmann and Ratsch and ‘The Immortality Key’ by B. Muraresku. Happy flying.
(Originally written for ) by Cacey Blackburn – Cacey has run a healing practice combining herbalism and counselling for twenty years.
Disclaimer: this article was written for publication in a country where Fly agaric is not a restricted substance. I am not suggesting anyone should take Fly agaric internally as this is a restricted substance in Australia at this time.
Amanita muscaria – Fly agaric